Monday, February 06, 2006

My Heros!

Todd and Yosh literally saved my life yesterday when I was trying to exit the Grotto (where they had been scuba diving and I had been snorkeling). Surges of waves come in and out of the cave so you have to time your exit, otherwise you could be swept into what is called the "Washing Machine". An unexpected surge came as I was trying to get out. I lost my footing and as I was being swept away into the jagged rocks, Todd grabbed me, but by doing so, he lost his grip on the rope. Yosh managed to grab one or both of us and the rope. I am not sure how this all played out since my head was under water the whole time! I do remember thinking "I think I am going to die". The girls were on the rock above us freaking out and praying as they watched. I know if it weren't for Todd and Yosh (and of course God!), I could be dead, or atleast in really bad shape. I only have a couple scrapes and bruises, and Todd got cut on his knee. I must have hit my face on a rock cause my left side has some small cuts and bruises. We were all amazed we walked out of there with such minor injuries.


Blogger The Charlebois said...

Don't SCARE me like that!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember that shirt Molly--I gave it to you 5 years ago in China.


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